Peer Review Process

When an article is received the editor-in-chief will initially check the article for the criteria described later. He then handle the article to one of the editorial board members. The article is reviewed for its content according to the journal's aim and scope and then writing according to the journal style including the abstract, headings of the content, ethical issues, plagiarism, and references. When found consistent the assigned editor will send it for external double-blind peer review. This double blind review process guarantees that scientific content of the manuscript and its relevance to the journal scope and readers interest are the main determinants of its acceptance rather than authors reputation or origin. After the receipt of reviewers' comments, the editor in chief will take the final decision regarding publication, rejection or changes to each article. Then the language editor revises the article, and finally a galley proof is sent to the corresponding author for final revision. Full peer-review process is illustrated in the following diagram.